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Network of Biological Collections of Paraná

Microbiological Collections
 Zoological Collections
Captura de Tela 2020-11-18 às 20.24.16.
Captura de Tela 2020-11-18 às 20.24.54.
Captura de Tela 2020-11-18 às 20.24.39.


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Selection notice for
Technical Scholarship Holders

Applications are now open for the selection of two technical scholarship holders to work at Napi Taxonline – Paraná Network of Biological Collections, linked to the Department of Zoology of the Federal University of Paraná. The scholarships are offered by the Araucária Foundation, in partnership with FUNPAR (PD&I No. 162/2024).

Scientific and Technical Development Grant (DCR-C): R$5,250.00/month, 40 hours per week
Duration: 02/01/2025 to 01/31/2026, with the possibility of renewal for up to three years.

Technical Scholarship II (BT NS): R$ 2,500.00/month, 40 hours per week
Duration: 02/01/2025 to 01/31/2026, renewable for up to two years.

Estão abertas as inscrições para a seleção de 02 bolsistas para atuação no Napi Taxonline – Rede Paranaense de Coleções Biológicas, vinculado ao projeto "Coleções Paleontológicas, Micropaleontológicas e Biológicas do Museu de Ciências Naturais (MCN-UFPR/Taxonline)". As bolsas são oferecidas pela Fundação Araucária, em parceria com a FUNPAR (PD&I Nº 162/2024).


Bolsa Técnico II (BT NS): R$ 2.500,00/mês, 40 horas semanais, 02 vagas

Duração: 01/03/2025 a 28/02/2026, com possibilidade de renovação.


Check out the main news related to NAPI Taxonline below:

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Proposal for the creation of a National Policy for Scientific Biological Collections in Brazil

Dear colleagues, with great enthusiasm, we inform you that, in conjunction with the Brazilian Societies of Zoology, Botany, and Microbiology, Bill No. 1993/2024 has been filed in the Senate. This bill, which proposes the creation of the National Policy for Scientific Biological Collections in Brazil, is crucial to strengthening the country's research and conservation infrastructure.

It seeks to strengthen, organize, and manage biological collections and facilitate access to essential data and information. We invite everyone to participate in this process actively.  You can vote 'YES' to speed up the processing of this bill by accessing the Senate website.

To say YES, click HERE 

Contribute to the assessment of the relevance of NAPIs by completing three online forms to assess the expected results:
a) Contribution to the competitiveness of Paraná:
b) NAPIs sustainable development indicators:
c) Contribution of NAPIs to CT&I in Paraná:  

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The book "Introduction and guidelines for Good Practices for Brazilian Scientific Biological Collections" by Marinoni and collaborators, was published on the SciELO Books platform. This is a significant contribution to the Brazilian scientific community, especially for those involved in the management and curation of biological collections.

The book addresses in detail the principles and recommended practices for the maintenance, preservation, and sustainable use of biological collections. The authors emphasize the importance of these collections as sources of scientific knowledge and vital genetic resources for several areas, including research, development and innovation.

To access the full book, click HERE


NAPI Taxonline was invited to present the activities it carries out as a Network of Biological Collections in the state of Paraná. The presentation took place at the Fundação Araucária stand during the 75th SBPC Annual Meeting, held in Curitiba.

Access more information about the event HERE


NAPI Taxonline shares are featured in the discovery and preservation of biodiversity. Read more by accessing the news below: 

NAPI Taxonline achieves excellent results from actions to combat Covid to the discovery of more than 230 species. Click HERE

Biological collections gain new perspectives with NAPI Taxonline. Click HERE

Base for biodiversity: network of researchers discovers more than 230 species. Click HERE

Microbiology, zoology and botany materials were gathered online and received resources from the Araucária Foundation. ClickHERE


NAPI Taxonline holds a workshop presenting the  project results and perspectives.

Watch the presentation by clickingHERE

Presentation carried out at Fundação Araucária by the General Coordinator of NAPI Taxonline, Dr. Luciane Marinoni, with the results of the actions developed in the different areas of activity.

Access the presentation document by clicking HERE

Watch the presentation by clicking HERE

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I General Week of NAPIS.

The Government of Paraná, through the Araucária Foundation and the Superintendency of Science, Technology and Higher Education,
(a) invites you to attend the General Week of New Arrangements for Research and Innovation (NAPIs), which will be held from the 12th to
16/12, from 9 am to 12 pm and from 2 pm to 5 pm.
The event will be broadcast via Araucária's YouTube channel:
For more information click HERE


The identification of natural enemies is essential for successful pest management. The Coleoptera Research Laboratory - LAPCOL has developed studies with insects of agricultural interest in the western region of Paraná, consequently feeding the Entomological Collection of the Palotina Sector - CESP.
The video aims to introduce the techniques for assembling ladybugs from a study of the population fluctuation of Coccinellidae (Insecta: Coleoptera) in an orchard.
Watch the video by clicking HERE

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The legacy of botanist Gerdt Guenther Hatschbach

The collection of the Municipal Botanical Museum contributes to the discovery of new species.

For more information click HERE 


Learn more about our collections

Learn more



Biological collections preserve the history of our biodiversity, helping us to evaluate its distribution in time and space. It is in these spaces that researchers and environmental service providers can consult and study the collected materials, helping the country to responsibly appropriate its natural resources. Collections are important for various areas of knowledge, such as biochemistry, genetics, evolution, geology, biogeography, ecology, conservation and management of natural resources, climatology, medicine, biotechnology, toxicology, legislation, among others.



Universidade Federal do Paraná

Centro Politécnico, Setor de Ciências Biológicas

Av. Cel. Francisco Heráclito dos Santos, 210, Jardim das Américas Postal Box 19020, CEP 81531-970, Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil.


Phone: (41) 3361-1764


Illustrations by

Web design and development by T. Sepulveda & D. Souza 2021-2024 ©
Managed by the Paraná Network of Biological Collections-Taxonline

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