Botanical collections

The Taxonline Network's botanical collections or herbaria are among the best in Brazil. These collections are located in universities and in the Botanical Museum of Curitiba (MBM). One of the greatest Brazilian naturalists, Dr. Gerdt Guenther Hatschbach, national and international reference in Botany, is largely responsible for the current collection of the MBM, considered one of the largest herbaria in Brazil and the largest of the Paraná flora. Its collection consists of a duly identified collection, cataloged and preserved with approximately 320,000 exsiccatae, in addition to collections of wood (xiloteca) and fruit (carpoteca) samples.
In addition to the MBM, Paraná has eleven more herbaria registered in the Index Herbariorum, totaling about 600,000 exsiccatae. It is good to draw attention to the fact that not all material records come from municipalities in Paraná, as the collections also incorporate material from other locations. The other two largest herbaria in the state are those of the Federal University of Paraná (UPCB) and State of Londrina (FUEL). The important collections of the herbariums of the State Universities of Maringá, Ponta Grossa and the Federal Technological University of Paraná are also part of Taxonline, as well as theherbarium of UNILA. The only herbariums that are located in private institutions are those of the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná and the Faculty of the Latino-American Union of Technology.

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botanical collections
Federal Institutions
State Institutions
Municipal Institutions
Private Institutions